Focus on Recovery 90-Day Planner & Journal Workbook emphasizes the daily use of recovery principles and practices in planning, journaling, and education in early recovery.
Why is daily planning so important in recovery?
Daily planning is an essential part of recovery. The planner in the Focus on Recovery 90-Day Planner & Journal Workbook keeps one accountable and responsible in recovery, which results in an increase overall self-esteem through the attainment of recovery goals. It promotes active participation and keeps one focused on recovery, avoiding boredom and idle time.
Why is daily journaling so important in recovery?
The act of Journaling helps capture and release emotions, feelings, and thoughts as they are expressed in written form. It encourages the act of self-evaluation through contemplation and reflection about the day's events and experiences, which gives the person the opportunity to open up to new perspectives, insights, and ideas.
The journal in the Focus on Recovery 90-Day Planner & Journal Workbook is the perfect tool to help access and keep a record of one's progress through recovery.
Why is education/learning about topics related to recovery so important in recovery?
Knowledge is power and learning about recovery is key for a successful recovery. By taking knowledge learned on this website's blog (Recovery Discovery Topics Blog) and applying it in the Focus on Recovery 90-Day Planner & Journal Workbook, a person has a better idea of what to expect in early recovery and can apply daily strategies to help prevent relapse. Knowing what to expect reduces stress and increases confidence in the journey through recovery.